Places To Travel : Mostaganem, Algeria

Places To Travel : Mostaganem, Algeria

Mostaganem is considered one of the monuments, which passes by the line of Greenwich in Algeria, and Algeria is the only Arab country that is going through the line of Greenwich. Latitude of Greenwich is the default font to calculate the timing, so named because it passes in Greenwich in London, which divides the globe into two east and west, and there are 360 longitude 0.180 a line east of Greenwich, and 180 line Grabh.otqa Mostaganem, western Algeria, and overlooking the Mediterranean Sea , and is said to be the nearest town geographically from Europe, where not only lies about 150 km from the Spanish shores, and there was even a project to transport gas them to Spain, via a pipeline under the sea.

The date of the establishment of Mostaganem remain to the Roman era, and was called «Cartina», and in the century atheist ten renamed to Moroustag. In 1516 the city became under the control of the Turkish naval commander famous Barbarossa, who has taken a center for operations in the Mediterranean Sea, at the same time a commercial port. By 1700 the city became under the control of the Ottomans, before falling in 1832 in the hands of the French occupation of Algeria until independence in 1962.

For reference, it was stated the mark and historian Ibn Khaldun Mostaganem in his book «history Ibn Khaldun», in the chapter titled «news about Antza leader son enabled the country of Mostaganem». It is noteworthy that Ibn Khaldun had resided for a period not far from Mostaganem area Faranda (state currents), where he wrote the famous preface.

According to the latest statistics, more than the population of the city of Mostaganem, 200 thousand people, and is available on the alluring tourist attractions, where there Bmstganm a group of the most beautiful beaches of the Mediterranean, which brings hundreds of thousands of tourists. In the old part of the city there are a lot of Islamic archaeological sites, including the Grand Palace Bey Muhammad, and the old city walls. Mostaganem and played a role, pointing in Islamic history, and is considered the birthplace of the call Senussi movement, and the king's grandfather was born Libya Mohammed Idris al-Sanusi.

It points attractions task in Mostaganem, which passes by the site of Greenwich, and the line is located 15 kilometers from the headquarters of the state of the town of Mostaganem «Astidia». But this town an interesting story, where dates its inception to 1846 by immigrant Germans wanted to emigrate to South America, but the ship's captain abandoned at the port of Dunkerque, France, They remained stuck there, she suggested they authorities French colonialism deported to «Astidia» in the framework of its policy of colonial which opened the doors for the arrival of the Europeans centenarians to Algeria, to install the feet of French colonialism in which, and the propagation of the number of settlers. Before German immigrants call French colonial authorities, and have resided in this region of the state of Mostaganem, and founded a small town renamed «Astidia» relative to the source of water in the region named «Astidia», and the continued presence there until 1948, where they left the area.

And remained the dominant language in that town during the period of stay of immigrants, the Germans are German, despite the fact that French was the language of the French colonial administration. And linked to Mostaganem good transport links to the rest of Algeria, and could arrive by air via the airport and the city of Oran, which is located only about 70 kilometers away.


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