Places To Travel : Ghardaïa,Algeria

Places To Travel : Ghardaïa,Algeria

Ghardaia is Located in north-central Algerian Sahara, to the south of the capital Algiers, a distance of 600 km, and sits on a large area estimated by 86105 km 2, climate region arid desert, temperature range widely between day and night, and between summer and winter, the temperature ranges winter between 1 to 25°, and between 18 to 48° in summer. Moderating air in the spring and fall, and serene in most days of the year rainfall the state about 60 mm \ annually mostly in winter km blowing on the region northwesterly winds cold in winter and southwesterly loaded with sand in the spring and in the summer southern Haret know Balsiroko known Ghardaia since the Stone Age, many civilizations, as was evidenced by the industries of stone, rock carvings and funerary monuments, as defined during the early Islamic period residential communities in the form of palaces retained some ruins.

Ghardaia is characterized by many of the shortcomings that seem antique uniform in shape homogeneous colors in a Kaltaliqsr (kindness) was founded in 1012 M, Palace (Bannoura) Year 1046 M, Palace (Ghardaia) Year 1053 M, Palace (built Ezgn) 1353 M, Palace (Malika) 1355 M, Palace (Qarara) 1630 M, Palace (Brian) 1690 M .

Palace Mtlili century AD-14 is also characterized by the state of many religious monuments of mosques, chapels and funeral will be held where religious rituals seasonal increase the uniqueness of traditional housing in this state, which utilized for recreation in summer, increase the enjoyment of traditional Butmarhaalsnaat - 
Ghardaia is the carpet of the most important traditional industries which are very popular, is also famous for the state in low copper, wood and leather industry.

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